Zalto Denk´Art Glass

Vi har gleden av å være representant for de unike Zalto glassene i Norge. Zalto er en liten produsent fra Østerrike som lager noen av verdens flotteste og mest spesielle vinglass av munnblåst krystall. Glassene er løvtynne og ekstremt lette, noe som sammen med en flott og korrekt fasong gir en veldig god balanse når man holder det i hånden.

Zalto Dekantere & Karaffler

We generally recommend decanting almost all wines. In particular, young wines often benefit greatly from aeration and will quickly develop more complexity. We thus offer a diverse selection of decanters and carafes. These include slender, versatile shapes that allow for more gentle aeration.

Especially for mature wines, we recommend these elegant decanters as they have less oxidative impact. As all of our glasses have a large surface area at the normal fill level, they also aerate the wine and enhance its aromas. With older vintages, the two in combination make it possible to enjoy every wine at its peak.

Zalto Spyttebakker

If you frequent wine tastings, or hold them in your home, you know the importance of a spittoon. This is the wine tasters sobriety tool, and also avoids experiencing "splashback" from the communal bucket. This hand-held spittoon holds 610 ml.

All styles of Zalto spittoons come in gray, red and green, and are opaque.

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